Animal Shelter Encourages Fostering a Pet During Coronavirus Pandemic
In an effort to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 people all around the world are being told to stay at home and avoid large gatherings. The same goes for America as well. However, even though social distancing is important you don’t have to do it totally alone.
“If you don’t have a pet and are thinking about getting one, now is the perfect time to ‘try it on’ by fostering from your local shelter. Shelters and pet adoption facilities nationwide need people to foster pets on a temporary basis,” said Julie Castle the CEO of Best Friends Animal Society.
This will greatly help your local shelter, which is likely suffering from a lag in adoptions, an increase in intakes and limited resources
“Animal shelters across the country are having to deal with an increase of dogs and cats in need of homes because fewer people are visiting shelters right now, and in some cases, shelters are having to temporarily close to the public,” Castle added.
“Some animal shelters are already seeing an increase in intake, and many are bracing themselves for the possibility of fewer adoptions and fewer foster homes, and are concerned about limited space.”
It is important to note that The Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and the American Veterinary Medical Association have all stated that pets are not at risk of spreading COVID-19, and science has shown time and time again that adding an animal to your life makes your happier and healthier.