13 Best Training Tips For Dogs From Professional Trainers
There is no universal answer to the question of how to best train your dog since an individual approach to the dog is required, and there are various techniques, and it is best to apply the one that gives you the best results.
Nevertheless, we have compiled for you a list of 13 secrets orhttps://thegoldensclub.com/these-five-tips-for-training-your-dog-are-worth-their-weight-in-gold/.
1.Follow the nonverbal signs of a pet
The dog does not know the language and does not know what a certain word means. Yet the dog knows nonverbal cues. Show your dog nonverbal cues for both good and bad behavior. You should also follow the nonverbal signs of your pet to know what he wants and how he feels.
- Meet the basic needs of your pet
Your dog has basic needs that often lead to problems. Provide your dog with enough physical activity, socializing with other dogs, time to have fun, time to relax.
- Plan ahead
Prepare everything you need before training. Carefully choose the environment, prepare all the equipment (collar, protectors, leash, etc.) and most importantly prepare your favorite treats for your pet (chicken, cheese, minced meat, bacon, etc.).
- Make a list of behaviors
Dog training is not just about learning how to train a dog to prevent unwanted behavior, but how to train a dog to do what you want. An example is if you want your dog to stop jumping, you need to teach him to lie down.
- Expectations should be realistic
Dog training is a long process and you need to have a lot of patience. There are also other limitations that you need to consider, such as individual differences, age and emotional maturity of your dog.
- Take care of your feelings
Often people become frustrated, dissatisfied when training, and do not know that they transmit these feelings to dogs. When training a dog, be positive, have fun and your dog will be the same, and you will achieve what you want with more ease. If you are overwhelmed by negative emotions do not waste time because you will not have results. A better option is to stop the training session and try again later.
- Start with easier, basic commands
Teach your pet basic commands such as “sit”, “lie down”, “get up”, “come”, “stay”, “let go”, etc. Apply these basic commands to keep the dog busy and distract him from unwanted behavior.
- Step by step
In training there are three steps towards a desired behavior: identify the desired behavior, add a command, accomplish the desired behaviour at a certain time (such as environment with distractions). Dogs think conceptually and apply certain behavior depending on the situation. The environment without distractions is completely different for a dog from an environment with distractions, and your dog will apply a different behavior. E.g. you have taught your pet to sit but outside. When a dog is in the house he will often not want to sit on the rug because it is a completely different environment. Remember that your dog is not stubborn but thinks conceptually and needs a gradual transition to apply the behavior in a variety of situations.
- Duration of training
The training sessions should not be too long. The optimal duration of training is from 20 seconds to 5 minutes. A shorter training time will keep the dog motivated to train.
- Be consistent
Sometimes you train a dog for one behavior and someone in your family for another. Consistency will give you better results.
- Reward good spontaneous behavior
Dog training isn’t just when you’ve set aside the time for training. Your dog learns all the time so you can reward him every time you see good or desired spontaneous behavior. E.g. the dog is not chewing clothes but has taken his toy. Reward him to further encourage this behavior.
- Keep your dog busy
Sometimes your dog barks, chews clothes, objects, etc. out of boredom. Keep your dog busy with certain activities such as digging in the yard, chewing toys, etc.
- Seek help
Sometimes even professional and successful coaches face problems and they seek advice of another professional. If you do not achieve the results you want, seek the help of professionals. Good dog trainers often anticipate problems before they occur, and adapt their techniques and procedures to specific situations to achieve the best results.