Robinson Cruesoe part two! Can you recognize this A-list celebrity with his new lockdown look?
Posted On April 17, 2020
0 World famous actor Pierce Brosnan has revealed his new look to the world. During the lockdown his new look consists of a big bushy beard and scraggly locks as he makes grooming and hair cuts a thing of the past.
Taking to Instagram, the James Bond star, 66, gave fans a close-up selfie of his face.
“Isolation and this is only week six!” he fretted, eyes wide in the snap.
Fans were quick to think up jokes and barbs – most of which focused on previous roles.
“Robinson Cruesoe part 2,” one laughed.
Another commented: “Feels like watching Die Another Day.”
Pierce is best known for playing super-sleuth Bond, who he embodied for four films in GoldeEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough, and a final stint in 2002’s Die Another Day.