Lucifer The Cat Can’t Walk, But That Doesn’t Stop Him From Helping Other Sick Animals
You’ve heard of DOGtors, but have you heard about Lucifer the nursing assistant and helper? Clinic Klyk, in Perm, Russia, at first sight might seem like an ordinary animal clinic, but what makes them special is one staff member in particular! What makes this clinic special is their furry nursing assistant who takes part in everything that’s going on with the docs and the patients.
Lucifer the cat was brought to the clinic in 2013. He was just a tiny kitten when he was found at the doorway of the clinic.
Sadly, Luci was sick. His his spine was damaged and his rear legs were paralyzed. At first, the doctors wanted to help him and then put him up for adoption, but he never fully recovered. So the docs decided to keep Luci in the clinic.
For a little while, the staff was afraid to show the kitten to their manager, because they were not sure if he would let them keep him in the clinic.
But after a week of keeping Lucifer inside, the manager finally met him and they quickly fell in love with each other.
Although Lucifer can barely walk, he’s always ready to help other patients. he can just feel when someone needs special support and he goes to those patients.
At the clinic he also has a best friend, a dog named Gizma and they really like cuddling together.
Luci helps with a lot of things around the clinic, including helping patients adapt and calm them down. Besides cuddling with the patients, Luci also gives his blood to sick animals — he’s been a donor more than 8 times!