10 Pics Of Alaskan Malamutes Being The Biggest Floofs
Posted On March 19, 2020
0 There’s nothing like a big floof to improve our moods, they’ll definitely rock your world. We’ve got pictures of funny and adorable Alaskan Malamutes to charge you up with enough positive energy for the entire week! Scroll down for your dose of Vitamin Malamute and upvote your fave pics. If you have one of these doggos at home, post a photo of them in the comments below, dear Pandas!
Alaskan Malamutes are friendly and energetic, big-eaters, and even bigger fur factories. However, be sure to keep a leash on your doggo because they’re hunters at heart and might go after wildlife if left to roam freely in the vast outdoors. They’re also great climbers and amazing diggers, so keeping them behind a fence is a real challenge.