Believe In Yourself
You have the honor of walking through your life. You received this gift for free. You were born. Programming of your mind begins. Believe you it or not, you are what you are because other people have instilled in your mind programs. These can be good programs, but it can also be negative programs. You don’t even notice it because you are deeply in this program.
These programs are called BELIEFS. It is very important to walk through life with beliefs that serve you. We all grew up in different environments and I believe that we all had a different childhood. If you had the opportunity to grow up in a family where you were persuaded that love was something beautiful, where your parents or loved people gave you the feeling that you “can everything do if you want it” …. in this way, you had a better chance of living your life to the fullest.
What do you think happens to children who grow up in a family where love is a foreign word, where their parents gave them a feeling of less worth and considered that they were incapable of many things… Do you think that these children are surviving their life or live their life to the fullest? Think about this.
Beliefs can be instilled from anyone if you allow it. I allowed other people to instill in my mind the belief that I was not capable of some things. When I decided to change my beliefs that don’t serve me in my life with beliefs that serve me, I experienced a huge positive change. I saw myself doing these “impossible” things.
It is up to you. Will you live your life with beliefs that serve you, or will you still survive your life immersed deep in a negative program?