Over 75,000 People Signed Petition to Make Netflix Free During Lockdown
Many of us started this lockdown with the best of intentions. We made promises to ourselves to take up some exciting new hobbies or develop a new skill, read all those books that have been piling up on your bed side table, or just get round to the boring life admin you’ve been putting off for years.
But let’s be real. Most of us have been logging in to Netflix and staying there until we get a screen prompt hours later asking if we’re still watching because you’ve been watching Too Hot To Handle for five hours (and yes we are still watching, thanks for asking).
That’s all to say that bingeing Netflix has become an essential survival tool for many to keep boredom at bay. However, not everyone has the luxury of having Netflix to keep them company. But this petition is looking to make Netflix available to everyone.
Someone has started an online petition to make Netflix free during lockdown to encourage others to stay home.
Now, we thought this was a joke at first, but the original creator of the petition seems deadly serious. In the petition description they write:
“During a worldwide viral pandemic, social distancing and personal quarantine is vitally important to stem the risk of spreading disease. As a result, right now millions of people worldwide are keeping themselves at home in order to prevent community spread of the COVID-19 virus.