Jennifer Aniston Opened Up About Her Difficult Childhood
Jennifer Aniston has always been vocal about not having a safe household while growing up.
In addition to that, the Friends alum has often times shared how she had rocky relationships with her parents, and that she was never to close to them.
During a previous conversation with Sandra Bullock for Interview magazine, the 51-year-old actress got candid about this side of personal life.
The actor spoke about her difficult childhood (her father left when she was nine, while Aniston and her mother shared a lengthy estrangement, as Elle reported), and the impact of her formative years on the person she is today.
Bullock asked Aniston, “Anyone who has the honour of being in your home and in your life doesn’t want to leave because it’s safe, it’s emotional, it’s joyous. What is it that allows you to stay buoyant and keep from getting discouraged when things don’t go the right way?”
Aniston respondedm “First of all, that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.
“I think that it comes from growing up in a household that was destabilized and felt unsafe, watching adults being unkind to each other, and witnessing certain things about human behaviour that made me think: ‘I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to be that. I don’t want to experience this feeling I’m having in my body right now. I don’t want anyone else that I ever come in contact with ever to feel that,'” she added.
“So I guess I have my parents to thank,” the actor continued. “You can either be angry or be a martyr, or you can say, ‘You’ve got lemons? Let’s make lemonade.'”
In 2018, Elle quoted Aniston as revealing how her mother, Nancy Dow, gave her a rather “challenging upbringing.”
“She was from this world of, ‘Honey, take better care of yourself,’ or ‘Honey, put your face on,’ or all of those odd sound bites that I can remember from my childhood.”
“My mom said those things because she really loved me. It wasn’t her trying to be a b**ch or knowing she would be making some deep wounds that I would then spend a lot of money to undo. She did it because that was what she grew up with,” Aniston reflected. “I think she was just holding on and doing the best she could, struggling financially and dealing with a husband who was no longer there.”