Sausage Dog Hurts Tail After He Was Wagging It So Much Because Everyone Is Home Due To Self-Isolation
Coronavirus pandemic has caused havoc all around the globe. But, not all are suffering from social distancing.
For example dogs are experiencing unprecedented levels of attention as people everywhere self-isolate themselves. It’s a big joy for doggos, but sometimes they can do themselves an injury with so much joy.
Think about the culture shift the world’s canines are enduring – for the first time in their lives, owners aren’t leaving them to go to work for eight or nine hours a day. Instead, they have seemingly unlimited company – all the walks, all the pats, all the treats.
Didn’t expect this happen😂, for those asking, he is currently on pain relief and the vet said he should be healed within a week, this is him on the 2nd day. He is super happy and there is now movement from side to side but he is struggling to lift it up in the air.
— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 21, 2020
Emma Smith – from Essex, England – took to Twitter to share the innocent plight of Rolo, a sausage dog who just can’t get enough of his family being at home all the time.
Emma said: ‘So my dog has been so happy that everyone is home for quarantine, that his tail has stopped working, so we went to the vet and the vet said he had sprained his tail from excessively wagging it.’
Poor Rolo got a big public attention after this tweet, who’s got more then 150,000 likes and 16,000 retweets.
So my dog has been so happy that everyone is home for quarantine, that his tail has stopped working, so we went to the vet and the vet said ‘he had sprained his tail from excessively wagging it’ 😂😂😭😭💔💔
— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 20, 2020
Emma added a video of the adorable dog, writing: ‘Didn’t expect this happen. For those asking, he is currently on pain relief and the vet said he should be healed within a week, this is him on the 2nd day. He is super happy and there is now movement from side to side but he is struggling to lift it up in the air.’